So after a successful Forest Wagtail twitch we decided to chase up some of the other local specialties and hopefully photograph them. So with that in mind we headed to the famous Grey Honeyeater site near Kunoth Well, north if Alice Springs, where we’d seen one previously. No joy
This morning we headed for Simpsons Gap just after first light (well, just after breakfast, anyway). We managed some good photos of the Black-footed Rock- wallaby in early morning light. The birds were scarce and we had no luck with either Painted Finch or Dusky Grasswren, unfortunately.
We decided to do the Cassia Hill walk and look for Redthroats before the sun rose too much and the day heated up. Anyway, on top of the hill we found a small flock of Inland Thornbills and a couple of Redthroats. As we were preparing to leave we saw a small grey bird that was neither of those, and at the same time Ruth and I called, “Grey Honeyeater!” A moment later the bird perched and called strongly leaving no doubt as to the ID. Ruth managed a photo, we think, but I didn’t.
Paul Dodd Docklands, Victoria
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Thank goodness the Forest Wagtail stayed put … and hopefully the photo of the Grey Honeyeater turns out A.O.K. for you Jude