Curious Como bird

Hi all,

Would love your thoughts on a curios occurrence from last Sunday evening.

I live in Como, suburban southern Sydney (34S, 151E) and was walking home after a few Christmas drinks with friends near the junction of the Georges and Woronora River.

It was after 8pm and also after a few glasses of a full-bodied red, but I’m sure this all happened!


I saw a small creature scuttle quickly off the roadway and onto the footpath about 2-3m directly in front of me.

Initially, I thought it was a rat, but it stopped right in front of me and in the gloom I got the impression of a small bird: squat and plump and very low to the ground i.e. short legs, not visible to me.

I stared for a second trying to work it out, then it ran back onto the roadway, with impressive speed and acceleration, and paused there for a few more seconds.

It then took to the air, almost vertically, in a direct flight at pretty high speed and disappeared in the darkness.


I know it sounds implausible but the only thing I can think of is a quail.

Any thoughts?





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