Common Mynas

I am surprised that, on a birding site, some still use the misnomer of 'Indian Myna', for Acridotheres tristis. The accepted common name is 'Common Myna'. And the introduced bird is common up and down the east coast of Australia with varying densities. Populations also extend well inland in certain areas. No doubt it is aggressively successful and competes with native birds when it occurs in dense populations. However the Common Myna is not as widespread, or in such dense populations, as its close relative the Common Starling. Sturnus vulgaris which also competes with native wildlife.
In recent travels I have also noticed that populations of House Sparrows have spread into remote agricultural, pastoral and bush areas, well away from houses. All these introduced birds, including the Common Blackbird and the Spotted Dove, appear to be increasing their range and, presumably, their impact on native birds.
However, before we get sanctimonious and judgemental about these birds we should consider, carefully, what we could do about the one species that is far more destructive, widespread and invasive than all these and the major cause for the reduction of our native bird populations and species. It is the species we see when we look in the mirror. 
Perhaps we should accept the blame and not deflect our guilt onto introduced bird populations. 

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