By Birding-Aus, on April 12th, 2023% Hi all, A last-minute vacancy for 1 person has arisen on our 8-day autumn "Western SA Specialties & Splits tour", commencing in Adelaide on 8 May 2023. We will we look for Naretha Bluebonnet, White-bellied Whipbird, Copperback & Nullarbor Quail-thrush, Rufous & Western Grasswren, Spotted Scrubwren & many other good local specialties. More info . . . → Read More: Last minute vacancy on Western SA Specialties & Splits tour (advertisement)
By Birding-Aus, on April 11th, 2023% G’day folks
The glorious autumn blue sky weather has finally arrived in SEQ. My son and i took advantage of the perfect bushwalking weather to do the Cordeaux section of the Cunningham’s Gap horseshoe.
Vegetative thickening following the fires of 2019 and several years of good rain meant that it was slow going up to . . . → Read More: Needletails transiting with purpose through SEQ at 1000 metres ASL
By Birding-Aus, on April 10th, 2023% Russell Woodford Begin forwarded message:
From: Kerry Levingston <>Date: 9 April 2023 at 9:58:29 am AESTTo: Andy-Mary Sides-McHugh <>Cc: Christine Bassett <>, Delia Walker <>,, Jeff and Marie <>, Robyn Wood <>, Sue Foley <>, Richard McGuire <>, alan becker <>, Kelly Young <>, brums <>, Ross Gwyther <>, Alan Boardman <>, dianneb46 . . . → Read More: Fwd: Flyways – Movie Night at Wynnum
By Birding-Aus, on April 9th, 2023% This is one (or two) species that I had never heard of before, not that there aren’t thousands of others. Noting that it connects to a species that is a vagrant in Australia…….. Forwarded in case some Australian birders might be interested. Note that dates and times of this session are in time . . . → Read More: LA Birders Webinar: Ainley’s Storm-Petrel ID, 4/11
By Birding-Aus, on April 2nd, 2023% G’day Folks
I am planning to spend a week on Upolu.
Are there any birding guides/apps that cover Samoa?
Do people have any recommendations regarding good birding locations and accommodation on the island?
Regards, Laurie
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. . . → Read More: Birding in Samoa RFI
By Birding-Aus, on March 25th, 2023% Hi everyone,
I am visiting Hawaii from June 9th to June 25th 2023, looking for all the accessible remaining endemics.
If anyone wants to join me (and split the cost for the very expensive car rentals) that would be great!
My rough itinerary is:
Maui: 2.5 days. I am . . . → Read More: Hawaii trip June 2023
By Birding-Aus, on March 25th, 2023% Hi everyone,
I am looking for people to join me on a trip I am planning to Pakistan and NW India from the 22nd of July to the 10th of August.
The trip is based around visiting the Ajmer area in NW India during the monsoon to see Critically Endangered Lesser Floricans displaying, . . . → Read More: (Advertisement?) Pakistan and Monsoon NW India trip – Jul/Aug 2023
By Birding-Aus, on February 21st, 2023% Of course introduction and migration of non native animals has had some bad impacts on native flora and fauna but the impacts of human migration is much worse. An d we are supposed to be responsible thinking beings. What a joke !!
By Birding-Aus, on February 21st, 2023% Some years ago I wrote this about the Common Myna:
The Common Myna
According to the Common Myna
Life in Oz could not be finer
Ample ecologic niches
Full of gastronomic riches.
To refugees from lands afar
The Aussie door is left . . . → Read More: The Common Myna
By Birding-Aus, on February 20th, 2023% Another poem, from UK We’re starlings, the misses, meself and the boys,We don’t go round hopin‘, we walks.We don’t go in for this singing all day,And twittering about, we just squawks.We don’t go in for these fashionable clothes,Like old Missel Thrush, and his spots,Me breast isn’t red, there’s no crest on me head,We’ve got sort of, hardwearing…dots.We starlings, the misses, meself and the . . . → Read More: starings