This incident that Debbie Lustig mentioned a few weeks ago has finally made the news:
“The shooters ‘‘ shot the shit out of … everything that moved.’’
The slaughter embarrassed even the most hard-headed of hunters. More than 800 abandoned duck carcasses that shooters did not bother to pick up. At least 150 endangered ducks killed, many among Australia’s rarest. And other dead birds – hawk-like whistling kites and black swans– that look nothing like ducks. ”
It might only be on page 8, but it’s the whole page.
Peter Shute
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Yeah, highly likely. Where were you that day, Debbie?
The man must have a lot more respect for protesters now he thinks they could train up 150 people to shoot that well in a year.
Given that Game Victoria was tipped off the this might happen, but went elsewhere instead, one could theorise that the shooters, whoever they were, perhaps somehow knew they’d do that.
“But Game Victoria, the government body in charge of the duck season, said that while the tipoff was judged to have ”something in it”, the authority prioritised potential protester activity on the Saturday morning at nearby Woolshed Swamp. But compliance officers found no protesters there.
By the time they got to Box Flat, the hunters – between 50 and 150 – had been shooting for more than an hour. A landowner, who is furious about the incident but declined to be named, said this was when most of the damage had been done.”
My concern is that as soon as enforcement was relaxed, it was straight back to the old days. I assume it was behaviour like this that inspired people to start protesting in the first place. Whether bans are reintroduced or not, the enforcement role should go back to DSE.
Peter Shute
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The assertion by Field & Game Australia’s Rod Drew that “protesters could have shot the ducks “to bring the shooters into disrepute””, is nothing short of bizarre. FGA must be worried about the incident.
Carl Clifford
This incident that Debbie Lustig mentioned a few weeks ago has finally made the news:
“The shooters ‘‘ shot the shit out of … everything that moved.’’
The slaughter embarrassed even the most hard-headed of hunters. More than 800 abandoned duck carcasses that shooters did not bother to pick up. At least 150 endangered ducks killed, many among Australia’s rarest. And other dead birds – hawk-like whistling kites and black swans– that look nothing like ducks. ”
It might only be on page 8, but it’s the whole page.
Peter Shute
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The assertion by Field & Game Australia’s Rod Drew that “protesters could have shot the ducks “to bring the shooters into disrepute””, is nothing short of bizarre. FGA must be worried about the incident.
Carl Clifford
This incident that Debbie Lustig mentioned a few weeks ago has finally made the news:
“The shooters ‘‘ shot the shit out of … everything that moved.’’
The slaughter embarrassed even the most hard-headed of hunters. More than 800 abandoned duck carcasses that shooters did not bother to pick up. At least 150 endangered ducks killed, many among Australia’s rarest. And other dead birds – hawk-like whistling kites and black swans– that look nothing like ducks. ”
It might only be on page 8, but it’s the whole page.
Peter Shute
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