Birdline New South Wales Weekly Update

Birdline New South Wales Published sightings for the week ending 11 Jan 2015. Sun 11 Jan Painted Honeyeater 15 km Sth of Condobolin The four or five pairs of Painted HEs are still present and breeding. Found a nest today with two large chicks just about to fledge. Also present were Superb Parrots and numerous Mistletoebirds with juveniles. Finally good rains recently have given the area some kind of Spring as a lot of the small birds are now starting a late breeding. Warren Chad White-rumped Sandpiper, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Lesser Sand-plover, Fairy Tern Lake Wollumboola White-rumped Sandpiper located on the lake near the south western corner of the little tern nesting area before it flew with the other waders to within the fenced off area. It then moved between the two spots, but appeared most comfortable inside the fence. At least 4 Lesser Sand-plovers and 2 Broad-billed Sandpipers were also present. One Fairy Tern, two White-winged Black Terns and both knot species were also noted. Simon Gorta, Julian Teh, Lachlan Hall & others Whimbrel Deeban Spit Port Hacking 1 Whimbrel standing in with 16 eastern curlews at high tide. Julie Keating Sat 10 Jan Ostrich Barham-Moama Rd and Lashbrooks Rd, NSW Observed 12 adult Ostriches and 6 young ones at known site at Lashbrooks Rd. We were approx 1 km down Lashbrooks Rd looking east. Birds were well away from Lashbrooks Road but could be seen with bins and scope. Jim and Greg Caine Streaked Shearwater, Common Noddy. Sydney Harbour National Park-North Head. Seen my first Streaked Shearwater for the summer today in with Wedge-tailed Shearwaters and 2 Common Noddys flying north close to the water. michael ronan. Wandering Whistling-duck, Black-backed Bittern, Australasian Bittern Fivebough Wetlands Two Wandering Whistling-duck were observed and photographed in the central pond off Petersham Rd (the first one you get to taking the gravel track past the entrance building). Subsequently, two Australasian Bittern were flushed (see ebird for details). 3 Black-backed Bittern were flushed near the dirt mound overlooking the central pond the ducks were on, and a further single male was flushed on the sewage ponds. Simon Gorta, Julian Teh, Meredith Thomas Black Falcon Hiney Road, Orange Two Black Falcons perched in dead tree over paddock with calling Brown Quail, one flew when disturbed. Neville Schrader White-rumped Sandpiper & Broad-billed Sandpiper Lake Wollumboola White-rumped Sandpiper still present in same spot. Also noteworthy were 3 Broad-billed Sandpipers briefly 6-6:15pm David Mitford Lesser Sand Plover Boat Harbour, Kurnell Amongst the usual mix for this time of year was a lone Lesser Sand Plover. Photographed attached. Greg McLachlan Peaceful Dove High Range, Wombeyan Caves One bird heard mid-morning today, by Wombeyan Caves Rd. My first record for the Southern Highlands. Lorne Johnson South Island Pied Oystercatcher Bundagen Headland Originally we saw the SIPO on the beach about 2km North of the end of Tuckers Rd. It then flew north about 500m to the rocks on Bundagen Headlands. There it rested with Australian Pied Oystercatchers allowing good comparison, until a Sea Eagle flew over and flushed all the birds present. In flight the SIPO was noticeably smaller than the APO, with a broad white trailing edge to the wing, joining the body, and a pointed white mark going up the back. After they had settled again a pair of APOs began to hassle the SIPO, eventually driving it south down the beach. It returned ten minutes later and was again driven off to the north, eventually flying out of sight. Under observation from approximately 2pm to 2:30pm. Elliot Leach; Louise Ashton; Chris Burwell; Antonia Burwell-Rodriguez LIttle Egret Nepean Weir, Penrith 2 Little Egrets at different times. One hunting along weir itself, then a second bird about two hours later arriving from downstream. An interesting note is that the previously dense population of nesting cormorants (for several years) across the river is no more. For some unknown reason the only nesting birds I’ve seen were three darters (3 nests), but the rest of the large quarry lake appeared just about devoid of life. Akos Lumnitzer Fri 9 Jan White-rumped Sandpiper Lake Wollumboola Good views at close range with about 9 others from 10:30-11:45am. Good comparison views next to Red-necked Stint. WRSA slightly larger, browner and duller, bill slightly decurved, tail feathers protrude past the tail. Speckles and some streaking on flanks. Overcast, no wind about 26C. First seen at Shoalhaven Heads on 5/1/15. Photo attached and eBird list attached but not complete. Carla Jackett Thu 8 Jan Little Bronze-Cuckoo, Forest Kingfisher, Coastal Emu Brooms Head Road, Taloumbi While observing an adult male Coastal Emu with 8 black-headed juveniles foraging actively in a paddock we heard two Little Bronze-Cuckoos in a nearby paperbark. When I located the Cuckoos I could see that they were both adult males. One was displaying to the other by spreading its wings and one was calling with a harsh call that I had not heard before. It was neither of the calls described for the species in HANZAB. I thought I saw a third Cuckoo but as the two males were moving about a fair bit it was hard to tell if there was an additional bird. A Forest Kingfisher was heard calling in the distance. The Emus disappeared suddenly when two Dingoes showed up. Greg Clancy & Russell Jago Wedge-tailed Eagle Matcham NSW Seen 500 m Central Coast Hwy. There is evidence of feeding at the location as there are multiple rabbit kills near a large eucalyptus. Seen in flight being hassled by magpies. This is the 3rd sighting since 25 th Dec.2014 T.Jones Sat 3 Jan Square-tailed Kite Basin View, St Georges Basin, South Coast adult foraging at tree-top level around houses in Basin View Parade Andrew Taylor

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