Birdline Australian Capital Territory Weekly Update

Birdline Australian Capital Territory Published sightings for the week ending 18 Jan 2015. Wed 14 Jan Brush Cuckoo Gigerline NR Begging Fledgling fed by Male Leaden Flycatcher. Breeding rarely reported in this area. Martin Butterfield Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, Rainbow Lorikeet Riordan St Park (Fadden) At 0700 on 12/1/15, saw an all green parrot, red beak, yellow “scales” on breast and neck, yellow-green underside of tail feathers. Several centimetres smaller than the Rainbow Lorikeet, which it spent all its time with up in the Eucs. Was there together with the Rainbow Lorikeet for an hour grooming each other and inspecting a hollow. Stayed in low branches in easy viewing for 1hr+. On 13/1/15 at 0725, saw the Scaly-breasted again, this time with a flock of 8 Rainbow Lorikeets, which was a surprise as I hadn’t ever seen more than 3 Rainbow Lorikeets at once anywhere in the ACT. Can add that the Scaly-breasted has red, orange, and green under the wings. They dispersed in different directions in groups of 2-3 when a pigeon landed in their midst and started to display. The Scaly-breasted left with one Rainbow Lorikeet, presumably the same one as yesterday. I relocated them again later, grooming themselves right beside each other. Scaly-breasted still there this morning (14/1/15) at 0645 with the Rainbow Lorikeet. Higher up today, so harder to see. Ryu Callaway

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