This autumn the Wings on King program and Friends of the Orange-bellied Parrot are working together to undertake surveys on the beautiful King Island, Bass Strait.
The OBP surveys will be undertaken between 22nd April – 2nd May and
the Wings on King surveys between 22nd-25th April.
To find out more and to register
Wings on King surveys are undertaken on over 60 established sites, several on private land in areas not usually accessible to visitors, with data being used to monitor the environmental sustainability of King Island. The island has 9 KI specific subspecies, 3 of which are now critically endangered, and ten of the twelve Tasmanian endemics. It is a great place to visit and there are birds aplenty.
With a highly successful breeding season in 2020, around 200 OBPs should be migrating to the mainland in the autumn. Learning about their migratory movements and habitat use is an essential part of their conservation so this blitz is important for their long-term survival.
We hope you can join us in this important work. You will be warmly welcomed.
But don’t wait to book. With Australians holidaying in Australia now, bookings for flights and accomodation are limited.
If you miss out this time, Wings on King surveys will be run again on the 11-13th November, 2021 – COVID restrictions permitting.