
After an ornithologically sterile month traversing California, a creeping realisation that Mulgoa Valley, once seething with small birds now has far fewer, ditto Avoca on the NSW Central Coast, the penny dropped.

INSECTICIDES. are wiping out the base of the food chain in built up and semi rural areas.

Not just for small birds, but all the way up to raptors like Black shouldered Kites and falcons which include insects directly, and indirectly via small reptiles which are largely insectivorous. Honeyeaters eat insects in flowers as well as their nectar.

A very obvious example has been the demise of House Sparrows worldwide, although granivorous their young need animal protein, in the form of insects, to develop. Those insects have largely gone due to insecticides, House Sparrow sightings are now rare. My last single sighting was in Bunnings Gosford Nursery. ? Significance ?

Most Reptiles, most small Mammals, most Amphibians and most Fish need insects.

How many Councils spray entire suburbs for Flies and Mosquitos, unwittingly killing thousands of birds and reptiles.

A giant problem. Any suggestions re a longterm solution.?

“Bring Back the Birds. Ban inorganic and long lasting Insecticides ”

Hoping that this starts a longterm campaigns

Much more to come.


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