Additional Pacific Swift and White-throated Needletail sightings

Hi Mike,


More sightings from a week in the northern Torres Strait:


20 February at 10.06am – 3 White-throated Needletails at the Saibai Cemetery heading east


20 February at 12.40pm – a mixed flock of approximately 110 birds, roughly 40 Pacific Swifts and 70 Uniform Swiftlets, heading west over the trees on Saibai Island along the channel between Saibai and Kaumag Islands.  Our boat was stationed about one third of the way along the channel from the western end.


20 February at 6.25pm – 4 Pacific Swifts heading north towards PNG at the eastern end of the channel between Saibai and Kaumag Islands



Tania Ireton

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