Hi all,
I've been contacted by a birder who wants to spend a few days around Mt Isa with me looking for Grasswrens and other key targets. He's looking for someone to share the trip. Dates are 8-11 October. Please contact me privately if you're interested. It should be a great short trip.
Spinifexbird, Spotted Bowerbird, Black-tailed Treecreeper, Carpentarian & Kalkadoon Grasswren, Little Woodswallow, Painted Finch and lots of other goodies to be had up there.
Guide & Managing Director
Bellbird Birding Tours
office phone: 1800-BIRDING (free from landlines in Australia) or +61 402 738 855
(if your phone call is urgent please phone Peter on his mobile: +61 409 763 172)
PO Box 2008 BERRI SA 5343