White-throated Needletails in Sydney, NSW

Hi All,

About 40 White-throated Needletails currently circling overhead in Ryde, heading generally in a SSE direction at an elevation of around 100 m.

A major thunderstorm with heavy rain and light to moderate winds occurred overnight, heavy cloud cover. More heavy rain forecast for the next few days.

Geographical Co-ordinates: 33 deg 49 min S, 151 deg 07 min E


Stephen Ambrose
Ryde, NSW

—–Original Message—–
From: Birding-Aus < birding-aus-bounces@birding-aus.org> On Behalf Of Michael Tarburton
Sent: 19 December 2018 3:08 PM
To: birding-aus NEW <
Subject: [Birding-Aus] White-throated Needletails in Melbourne

G’day bird enthusiasts

I just censused 8 WTNT over Blackburn South. They were feeding, and slowly moving to the NNW, so could be around Doncaster about now. Have a look and let me know if you see any – or put them in Birdata or eBird. They are rare over Melbourne these days and this is unusually early. I have seen 9 or 10 flocks at Bunyip S.P. so far this season. Others have seen them around the Kinglake district & Yarra Bend.

Also keep your eyes open for FTS or Pacific Swifts as this year huge numbers have reached the east coast and are being seen often with Needletails right down to the Vic border.

Thank you to all those who have recorded flock numbers – much appreciated as the Gov in Canberra is looking at whether to declare this species as vulnerable at the moment and the larger the samole size the more accurate the decline measures will be.

Cheers, Happy swift watching & Happy Christmas


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