Marion Halliday has reported seeing Lewin's Rails with young (at least 5, possibly 6) at Lake Hamilton via the Birdline Victoria Facebook group. She says one was seen feeding one of the young a worm "a couple of times" on the evening of 29/10/18, and posted a photo of an adult with a worm, side by side with one of the young ones (see attached). The young are at the little fluffball stage.
Has anyone seen this with Lewin's Rails before?
HANZAB says "Role of parents in building nest, incubation and care of young not known", "adults accompany and defend chicks", and that young are "Precocial, nidifugous". Nothing about actually feeding young. I've seen young ones of this size before, but not even associating with adults, let alone being fed.
Peter Shute

Yes, that was going to be my next question.Peter ShuteOn Mon, 5 Nov 2018 at 5:24 am, Laurie Knight <> wrote:
Thanks, Antha. I agree it seems likely, but I'm wondering if this is the first time it's actually been observed.Peter ShuteOn Sun, 4 Nov 2018 at 10:00 pm, Anthea Fleming <> wrote: