Dear Birding-Aussers
I have just returned from a 12 day solo birding visit to Bhutan (highly
My guide while there was a 31 year old freelance birding guide by the name
of Phub Dorji who was engaged by a local birding tour company “Off to
Bhutan” ( for my visit. He is a former forester and
now ecologist with a passion for birding who is carving out a career in
bird-guiding, research and ecological work (mostly for government, including
work with Snow Leopards). He is also a dedicated personal birdwatcher.
He does not own a telescope (and will quite possibly never be in a position
to be able to buy one – he has a wife and young son to provide for) and the
company was unable to lend him one of theirs. Fortunately I had mine (an
aging but still very effective Kowa TSN3 with a 20-60 zoom eyepiece), which
he became very attached to (and skilled with), carrying it for me and using
it to show me the birds (although of course I would have been quite happy to
do this myself).
I was planning to give him a reasonably handsome tip for his efforts on my
behalf over nearly 2 weeks but wondered if he might prefer a second-hand
scope if I was able to find him one. When I raised this possibility with him
he enthusiastically chose the scope option.
So I am wondering if anyone has, or knows someone who has, a pre-loved
spotting scope in reasonable condition (+/- tripod) which they would be
prepared to sell to me for a modest price to send to this young man. I would
of course make (and pay for) all arrangements to get it from you to him. I
would also ensure that any generosity on your part was made known to him
(I’m sure he would want to thank you personally).
Please contact me directly by email or phone (0438 224 456) if you think you
might be able to help me help this keen and still young Bhutanese birder and
his evolving career.
Richard Nowotny
Port Melbourne, VIC
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