Some might have missed part of the puzzle. The below message from Dick
Schodde was copied to list but I think only went to personal addressees.
—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, 1 May 2018 10:06 PM
To: Geoff Shannon; Graeme Chapman; Mike Carter
Cc:; Stephen Ambrose; Geoffrey Dabb
Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Scrubwrens
I have been reading the exchange of emails on scrub-wren eye colour, and
think that Stephen Ambrose’s hypotheses have value. I have also just spoken
with Graeme Chapmen on the phone.
So I’ll share with you all recorded iris colours on scrubwrens in the ANWC
from relevant areas:
Mt Lofty Range. Adult-plumaged males (n=7): cream (3), mid cream (2),
cream-buff, cream-ivory. Adult-plumaged females (n=5): cream (2), mid cream,
cream-buff, yellow. No juveniles.
Kangaroo Island. Adult-plumaged males (n=5): pale yellow, pale straw, straw,
pale grey-brown (probably subadult), pale cream-grey. Adult plumaged females
(n=4): pale grey (2), pale grey-brown (probably subadult), pale buff. No
Wet forested southwest corner of WA. Adult-plumaged males (n=7): cream (2),
creamy-white, creamy-grey, greyish cream, pale greyish cream, mid brown
(probably subadult). Adult-plumaged females (n=2): pale cream-grey (2).
Juveniles,(by plumage (n=4): creamy-white, dirty cream, mid cream, mid
creamy grey.
Shark Bay/Houtman Abrolohos: Adult-plumaged males (n=3): off-white
(Abrolhos, 1), light green (Shark Bay, 2). Adult -plumaged females (n=5):
off-white (Abrolhos, 4), light green (Shark Bay).
Now there is subjectivity of colour interpretation by different collectors
here and probable bias from dulling (darkening?) of irides between time of
collection and its recording on the specimen bench in the field. Nonetheless
it also shows that the issue is complex and that a more extensive
photographic record is needed before we can be certain of regional
differentiation in iris colour. Those photographs that are available I
accept as accurate. I also think it likely that the descriptor “grey” in
irides quoted above refer to the “blue” irides Graeme has been talking
about. These, from their photographs, I would interpret as pale bluish white
or pale blue-gray white, the same colour as the peri-orbital skin of Cacatua
triton (galerita superspecies) in New Guinea.
—–Original Message—–
From: Birding-Aus [ Birding-Aus