I haven’t seen the reference that Phil based his comment on, so would be
really interested to know more about the impending split. In WA, the
scrubwren extends eastwards along the coast, especially in the dune
scrub/mallee woodland ecotone. It is a very common species in habitat
around the Eyre Bird Observatory, for instance. The mallee woodland/dune
scrub ecotone ends pretty much at the WA/SA border, where I’m guessing is
the eastern extent of the Spotted Scrubwren.
Stephen Ambrose
Ryde NSW
—–Original Message—–
From: Birding-Aus [ Their environments, habitats, ecologies (physiological and
> behavioural), sizes and plumages are so different.
> Stephen Ambrose
> Ryde NSW
> —–Original Message—–
> From: Birding-Aus [ from
> splits:
> White-bellied Whipbird (Psophodes leucogaster) of South Australia from
> Western Whipbird, the old Mallee Whipbird of Schodde & Mason Spotted
> Scrubwren (Sericronis maculatus) of primarily Western Australia from
> White-browed Scrubwren, long expected.
> Even more reason for a trip to South Australia now, I am slipping
> behind with my needed species again.
> Phil Gregory
> oreornis@gmail.com
> writer/tour leader/tour facilitator Field Guides / Sicklebill Safaris
> / Cassowary House / Cassowary Tours PO Box 387 Kuranda QLD 4881
> Australia
> Ph: +61 7 40 937 318
> Email: info@s2travel.com.au
> Website1: www.sicklebillsafaris.com
> www.cassowary-house.com.au
> Website 3: www.cassowarytours.com.au
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