Aus App Field Guides

I have Pizzey and Knight on a Samsung phone and find that the screen freezes so that when I try to look at a bird I can tap – sometimes for 2 mins, without a response- so it is unreliable. I thought it was the android phone, but have heard of other people having this problem. I also have a problem finding the bird I want on the screen as they have placed 3 or 4 birds on the one screen and without swapping glasses, I cannot read the text – even after changing the text to the largest available. Thus I don’t know which of the 3/4 birds I want to look for.Once the single bird is on the screen, the text is lovely and clear, but frustrating having to tap on 4 other birds, to get to the one I want. I have Morcombe on my Ipod and it works well. It is always responsive and the text is large enough to be able to find the bird required with one tap. I think I prefer the calls on PK. Both have there pros and cons and having bought Pizzey for my phone so that I don’t have to carry two devises with me, I am carrying two devices anyway! Carol Abbott

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