Birdline South Australia Weekly Update

Birdline South Australia Published sightings for the week ending 11 Jan 2015. Sun 11 Jan Grey-tailed Tattler Port Clinton 4 Tattlers on mudflats near mangroves. Seem to be regular visitors here in recent years. Paul Taylor Sooty and Pied Oystercatchers Port Arthur, Clinton Conservation Park 2 Sooty and 3 Pied Oystercatchers. Sooties are not often seen at this location. Also here were 2 Eastern Curlews, 5 Greenshanks, a Red-necked Avocet, 50 Whiskered Terns, plus the usual Sharpies and stints. Paul Taylor Thu 8 Jan Musk Duck Hindmarsh Island 15 Musk Duck, mainly males, diving along southern side of island, on downstream, ie brackish side of Goolwa barrage. Kelvin Sparks and Simon Fahey-Sparks Little Eagle Goolwa Pale morph individual drifting south-westwards over the north end of town. Kelvin Sparks Mon 5 Jan Glossy Ibis Goolwa Wastewater Treatment Plant 1 non-breeding adult Glossy Ibis feeding along the edge of the main pit with other ibises. Kelvin Sparks and Simon Fahey-Sparks

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