Swift Parrots at Serendip

A bit late with this report, sorry, but there were a few Swift Parrots at Serendip last Wednesday morning when I made a very short visit. Two flying, chased off by a Red Wattlebird, then another observed at close range feeding. Possible another 1+ nearby, but that might have been the first pair. They were half way between the admin buildings and the Pondage.

There was a flock of 6+ Black-chinned Honeyeaters nearby, quite low in the foliage and allowed me to get close. Murphy’s law – leave the camera in the car, and you’ll see good birds up close!



Russell Woodford Waurn Ponds Branch Librarian

p 03 5244 0048 a 140 Pioneer Rd Waurn Ponds 3216


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