Bribie Island bird queries


I’m currently writing an “Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Bribie Island”, a companion book to “Bribie Birds” (Bribie Island is approximately 70km north of Brisbane, south-east Queensland) and I have three queries regarding bird sightings and one request for a recording. Hopefully someone reading this can help me with one or more of these queries.

There was an Asian Dowithcher at Toorbul in October 1998, found by Tom Tarrant and friends. I saw it on the 22nd but does anyone know when it was first found (have you found your notes yet, Tom?) and/or when it was last seen? Actually, any dates that it was seen after the 22nd would be of interest.

There was a report of a Wandering Albatross seen from the surfside beach north of Woorim on Bribie Island – I think around 2002. Does anyone have details and dates?

An Australian Little Bittern was found at Buckley’s Hole, Bribie Island in November 1991. Does anyone know the date on which it was found?

Finally, some years ago it was noted on birding-aus that the BOCA set of bird call recordings did not include one of Wandering Tattler. Someone kindly made available a short recording of the tattler’s trills for download. Does anyone have a copy of this that they could send me, please, as I’ve ransacked my pc and can’t find it anywhere?

Please reply offline as I’m sure that these queries aren’t of earth-shattering interest to the group.

Many thanks – Trevor Ford. ===============================

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