Birdline double ups

Does anyone know why we have been getting two lots of the various Birdlines at the moment? On the last couple of Mondays I have received one batch with no content, followed by another with normal content. I thought the problem was with either my ISP or my system, but I have just checked the B-A archives, and the blank sets have been going to the archives as well.

Carl Clifford ===============================

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5 comments to Birdline double ups

  • Sonja Ross

    Good afternoon everyone,

    I’ve had a message from Richard Alcorn to say that the doubling up was related to changeover of computers and that they have now remedied this, so there shouldn’t be further problems with it.



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  • Sonja Ross

    Hi all,

    I sent Richard and Margaret an email this morning about it.



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  • Michael Ramsey

    Perhaps a question such as this would be better off directed to the Birdline administrators, Richard and Margaret Alcorn.I’s sure they could answer or get onto solving the problem quickly. Michael.


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  • paul


    I am not sure what has been happening – I helped set up these notifications two or three years ago – BUT, the notifications are completely automatic, so whatever is happening is a system bug and not someone manually or accidentally causing the problem. Incidentally, I also personally subscribe to the Birdline Victoria notification service and I received an empty notification at 1:45am and a complete one at 7:38am, so the problem is general and not specific to birding-aus. I must admit that I have not been in contact with Richard and Margaret Alcorn who run Eremaea and the Birdlines as I have been away, but I am happy to enquire further.

    Paul Dodd Docklands, Victoria

  • John Tongue

    I got double copies this morning. Then again, I also got double copies of people’s posts to the Tas Birdline a couple of days ago.

    Cheers, John Tongue Ulverstone, Tas.


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