Eungella Honeyeater under threat

I was just alerted to this concerning problem on Feathers&Photos by Dale Mengel who lives in Proserpine. Message as follows:

“The Eungella Honeyeater (*Lichenostomus hindwoodi*) is endemic to the Clarke Ranges incorporating Crediton State Forest and Eungella National Park – NE of the city of Mackay in QLD. It cannot be found anywhere else in Australia and is currently listed as being “near-threatened.

Crediton State Forest now has a selective logging permit which could see large parts of the honeyeater’s habitat destroyed for logging purposes. There are calls from Birdlife Mackay and other Flora and Fauna groups to contact the relevant Queensland Ministers and ask that the Crediton State Forest be properly protected, preferably by incorporating it into Eungella National Park.

Ministers can be emailed online at – the correct ministers would be *Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry – John McVeigh MP, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection – Andrew Powell MP *and *Minister for Natural Resources and Mines – Andrew Cripps MP *as they probably all have involvement one way or another.”

Needless to say, I’ve sent my email to them!

Cheers, Joshua Bergmark ===============================

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