Cape Naturaliste seawatch 09/05/2013

Hi all, The long drive to Cape Naturaliste today proved well worthwhile for Dan Mantle and I, with an excellent seawatch netting 12 tubenose species, plus some skuas. Highlights were 3 SOOTY SHEARWATER, a rarely recorded bird in WA, and a good number of prions – though species was undeterminable, those that came close enough were all Antarctic/Salvin’s type. A Wandering Albatross was also a highlight, and following on from 4 separate South Polar Skuas on the Albany pelagics, another dark skua with a pale nape and promising jizz was also seen – unfortunately it did not provide good enough views for conclusive ID Full list:Wandering Albatross [sp] (1)Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross (12+)Black-browed Albatross (1 young bird)Shy Albatross (5)Southern Giant-Petrel (2)Northern Giant-Petrel (3)Giant-Petrel sp. (5)Cape Petrel (2)Great-winged Petrel (5)PRION sp. (40+ – those that came close enough were Antarctic-type)Flesh-footed Shearwater (80+)SOOTY SHEARWATER (3)Hutton’s Shearwater ( 2)Brown Skua (2)Jaeger sp. (1 – prob Arctic)Australasian Gannet (35+) Many thanks to Dan for doing the driving for this one, and an excellent result following on from the Albany pelagics (reports still on the way when I get time :D) Cheers,John ===============================

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