Duck hunting

Hello Birding-aussers

Right now, my subject heading should perhaps be ‘duck’ hunting. Flocks of coots on the water have been seen being fired into by shooters. In addition, an activist last weekend saw shooters drive a boat straight through a group of coots. Later on, he found two dead, with wings shorn off.

Another bird that seldom flies is the Musk Duck, one of which was found shot at Lake Lonsdale near Stawell.

The Waterfowl Identification Test demanded for duck licensing is a sham ID test which is being flouted everywhere. Shooters are killing anything that moves because there is no enforcement of the law. Not one compliance officer has been seen by rescuers since Opening Weekend of the Victorian season.

These are my photos of the birds displayed last Tuesday in Melbourne, 7 May.


3 Pink-eared Ducks

6 Grey Teal


71 Eurasian Coots

4 Black Swans

6 Freckled Ducks (and 5 pieces of Freckled Ducks)

1 Musk Duck

1 Great Cormorant

1 Little Black Cormorant

1 Little Pied Cormorant

1 Long-billed Corella

1 Corvus species (Raven)

If you think this carnage is alright (and you haven’t filtered out posts about duck shooting), no worries. If you believe it’s an intolerable toll on protected and threatened species, please write to Denis Napthine, Premier of Victoria:


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